Baptists in Burma
Jonathan Moore, Josh Finnell, Sherry Harlacher
Digital cartography will allow for the exploration of 19th century American Baptist missionary activity in Burma.
Literature and Professional Life
Regina Martin
Digital Stories of Professional Life with an English Degree
Mapping the Arts of the Oceanic World
Joanna Grabski
A digital exhibition exploring the forms and functions of Oceania’s expressive culture. The exhibition modules focusing on Polynesia and Melanesia are researched and curated by students in the course, Arts of Oceania.
Translating the Translators
Jason Busic
Translating the Translators is both research and pedagogy as it blurs the lines between the two by creating a living edition of extant Iberian New Testament manuscripts in Arabic. This project aims to provide a platform for scholarly comparative editions of Iberian New Testament manuscripts in Arabic.
The Arab American Community in Central Ohio
Hanada Al-Masri
The goal of this project is to create a digital oral history collection of the Arab-American community in central Ohio to broaden understanding of Arab Americans and to bring visibility to their contributions to and engagement with their local communities.