The Arab American Community in Central Ohio: Negotiating Cultural Identities and Adapting Traditions


This project is designed to create a digital oral history collection of the Arab-American community in central Ohio. This large community is diverse in its cultural, social, economic, linguistic and educational backgrounds and has been concentrated in cities like Columbus (e.g., Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians, Somalis), Dayton (Palestinian and Libyans), Toledo, Cleveland (Yamani, Lebanese, Syrians) and Dearborn, MI (Iraqis-Chaldeans, Assyrians-, Lebanese and now Syrians). The goal of this project is to broaden understanding of Arab Americans and to bring visibility to their contributions to and engagement with their local communities. The project is based on face-to-face interviews and videos that will be digitized and archived to highlight the lives, activities and cultural practices of the migrant Arab-American community.

Link to Project Site