Monthly Archives: January 2014

Blogging #TheOH5

One of the great things about my job as the Mellon Digital Scholar for The Five Colleges of Ohio is that there is never a dull moment. Having spent the first semester getting to know the different campuses and laying some of the nuts & bolts groundwork for faculty projects, I’m now in the thick of working with faculty, librarians, and instructional technologists on specific digital projects. Because there’s never a dull moment, I’ll visit this space from time to time to share some of these moments with interested readers. I plan to write on topics that range from the (seemingly) mundane world of workflows, to the (potentially) more-engaging questions of what it means to “do” digital scholarship in a liberal arts setting. Think of these as reports from both the ground-level and the bird’s eye, both the how and the why of digital scholarship.

I don’t yet know what my regular posting date(s) will be, as I’m currently wearing my digital project manager’s hat through much of the workday. Until I do, you might check back from time to time, and you can always follow me @dr_heil for updates on #TheOH5.